1. When is it acceptable for a person to consume mind altering substances and handle a firearm?
2. How to avoid the two main causes of handgun related accidents; ignorance and carelessness:
3. The best description of a cleared handgun is one that:
4. When cleaning your firearm you should:
5. With regards to children and firearms you should:
6. What are two types of malfunctions associated with ammunition?
7. You should always have a way to safely secure your firearm so unauthorized people don't have access to it outside of your direct supervision.
8. When you are carrying a firearm concealed, you should:
9. When you are practicing with your firearm, which of these statements are true?
10. When you are passing a firearm to another person you should verify it is unloaded visually & physically and pass it muzzle down with the action open
11. With regards to a handgun, “single action” means: